Leadership coaching helps you get yourself and your team ahead (and stay there)

leader thinking

Any self-respecting (and successful) athlete relies on their coach to improve their game, strengthen their mindset and be more effective within a team. The more elite the athlete the more important coaching is to their performance and their ability to excel in a highly competitive market.

So it’s only logical that founders, leaders and executives need coaching for all the same reasons.

The concept that great leaders are born, not made, is thankfully outdated - but how do you make a great leader?

Modern leaders need to have an adaptable set of skills and tools to draw from in order to inspire and lead others to work more productively - and more competitively - developing their team’s skill set as well as their interpersonal skills along the way.

Many founders or senior managers, however, don’t think they have what it takes to ‘lead’ - you may have an entrepreneurial spirit, but does that mean that you can be a great leader?

Are you wearing too many hats, spinning too many plates, and wondering whether you can really drive business and team growth whilst also running the business itself?
That’s where we come in.

What is leadership coaching?

Leadership coaching is the process of developing talents and competencies within individuals so that they work more effectivley with others, helping to grow the business and the team in a sustainable way. Coaching will often focus on improving communication, business coaching and providing the reflection required for senior managers and leaders to grow.

What are the benefits of leadership coaching?

Unlike life-coaching which benefits the individual, leadership coaching can positively impact the individual, the team and the organisation they are part of.

  1. Greater Self Awareness - understanding yourself and your impact on others. No more micro-management, directionless teams or toxic leadership. We all have blindspots, and the team may see your leadership differently to you. Equally, many leaders can find themselves paralysed by imposter syndrome and lack of self confidence. Understanding your ‘personality DNA’ and being able to understand your natural tendencies, your learned behaviours and how and where each of these impact your leadership and your team. How you behave under moderate or extreme stress, and having the insight to chose a different response can be enormously impactful.

  2. Enhanced Performance - allowing you to play to your strengths and mitigate weaknesses. An experienced coach can see your strengths and allow you to develop these and utilise them in more effective ways.

  3. Increased Confidence - having support whilst navigating difficult or overwhelming phases in your development and celebrating wins with you will increase your confidence in your own abilities, allowing you to make more efficient decisions

  4. Improve Communication - how to communicate what success looks like and how the team can achieve it, how to handle difficult conversations with grace. Building awareness around your communication skills, can be a game-changer. Being able to set clear expectations, offer constructive feedback and truly listen to your team members will allow you to understand where and when they need support and when to challenge and stretch them.

  5. Empower Others - understand your team, what they need from you to feel motivated and valued, and being able to develop them to increase their own professional and personal growth

  6. Sounding Board - it can be very lonely at the top. Having an outside perspective can be extremely powerful and liberating when looking to make lasting change

  7. Improved Life and Job Satisfaction - by giving you the headspace to step back and assess your life, leadership coaching can help reduce overwhelm, improve performance and as a result improve the same balance for the team

  8. Develop A Growth Mindset - unlocking a different way of thinking, to allow you to see obstacles as opportunities, increasing resilience and flexibility and being able to think more innovatively and creatively.

  9. Be a Leader Worth Following - developing your presence and personal brand as a leader, and still showing the empathy and understanding that allows your leadership to impact the whole organisation,

How we can help

We offer coaching packages for leaders, founders and C-suite. We also offer executive coaching packages for your whole leadership team to allow for greater alignment, understanding and growth on a wider scale.

Kate is an experienced coach, accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and GiANT Worldwide.

If you are ready to take yourself and your organisation to the next level, and need some support, please get in touch.


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